Written by Joe Dagel- State President-Elect As we cherish and reflect upon this year, Minnesota FCCLA bids you glad tidings and wishes you a Happy New Year. With 2023, our Regional Midwinter Meetings will be preparing to kick off, and …
The Buzz
Soar2Success with the MN FCCLA State Theme
Written by McKenna Bennett -State VP of Marketing Soar2Success Artwork-4 color This year the Minnesota FCCLA State Theme is SOAR2SUCCESS! The state officer team would like to challenge chapter members to use the goals that are part of the …
Useful tools for members and especially for STAR Events
Written by Kate Hennen- State VP of Public Relations The FCCLA Planning Process is a five step management tool that helps members select and carry out projects to fit their needs and concerns. FCCLA members use the Planning Process to sort through …
Get ready for 2023 National FCCLA Conference in Denver.
2023 National Leadership Conference by Izzy Johnson Mark your calendars and plan to attend the 2023 National Leadership Conference in Denver. Not only is Colorado incredible, it has some of the most varied landscapes in the world. Speaking of being …
911 Day of Service projects We will have a September campaign for honoring military, military families, first responders for FCCLA chapters. Students in over 30 MN communities will write to military persons, or do a service effort for …
GO FOR RED! Recruit, Retain, Recognize…
GO FOR RED! Recruit, Retain, Recognize... by Evlyana Hanson, MN FCCLA Vice President of Resource and Development Photo: State FCCLA Officers are Rocking the Red! at National Conference 2022. Go for Red is a membership campaign used in chapters …
State Pres Elect Reflects on National FCCLA Conference
Hello, I’m Joe Dagel, and I am currently serving as your 2022-2023 State President-Elect. My observations on the National FCCLA Conference 2022 in San Diego, California. . This year, I attended National Leadership Conference as a National …
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NATIONAL VIRTUAL FCCLA CONFERENCE (1) (2) The National Virtual Conference provided opportunities for leadership, showing STAR Event projects and many training sessions and visits with exhibitors. The MN students achieved 36 GOLD …
Anniversary coming! June 5, 1946 was the start of 75 years
Myrtle Hilton was FHA National President and signed the Minnesota charter as the 32nd state for a new organization - the forerunner to FCCLA. What was happening in the world in 1946? 1946 Following the end of the war (WWII) people expected a …
MAKE A DIFFERENCE!- May Service Projects
May- Make a Difference Month You can make a difference in your community! Help Isolated Seniors Take written cards to a nursing home for residents. Create a sidewalk party with social distancing. Bring your musical instrument for a …