GO FOR RED! Recruit, Retain, Recognize…
by Evlyana Hanson, MN FCCLA Vice President of Resource and Development
Photo: State FCCLA Officers are Rocking the Red! at National Conference 2022.
Go for Red is a membership campaign used in chapters across the country. In order to increase FCCLA membership, new members must first be recruited. Whether it is by a friend in FCCLA, an informational poster, or a school wide assembly. As your chapter grows, members should also be retained. Chapters should offer fun meetings, team building, and volunteering experiences in order to keep members interested in FCCLA. Once new members have been recruited and retained, they should finally be recognized. The chance to earn recognition will encourage members to participate in leadership conferences, community service, and the many other opportunities that FCCLA offers. Recruit, retain, and recognize are the three R’s of the Go for Red campaign and are important to continue to grow FCCLA nationwide.