National FCCLA Week
Get your chapter ready! For what? Might you ask? Starting on February 10, FCCLA week begins! You can get your chapter involved in many ways during this week. On Monday, you can participate by doing a member spotlight or trying to recruit members to appreciate your incREDible members! Then the next day host a service project for the community. This is super important to get your chapter together and do an incREDible service activity or project. That Wednesday, surprise your teachers and other educators around your school. They do so much for us, they are incREDible educators! Show off your incREDible skills on Thursday. For the big finale on Friday, go all out for incREDible FCCLA! Have so much fun planning and participating in FCCLA week!
Here are some suggestions from this years Executive Council: FCCLA Week Ideas
Other FCCLA Week ideas
- Monday
- Member recruitment
- Member spotlight
- Hold a booth to teach people about FCCLA
- Tuesday
- Service project for the day, week, or month
- Food drives
- Clothing drives
- Make and bring valentines to the nursing home
- Do some sort of “garage sale” and give the proceeds back to FCCLA or some sort of other charity
- Service project for the day, week, or month
- Wednesday
- Surprise your educators
- Make cards to give to them individually
- Make a video to be shown or have something said in the announcements about how important your teachers are
- Host a breakfast for the staff before school
- Thursday
- Show off your skills
- Show off what your chapter has done for you community
- Post something on your media page to show everyone
- Friday
- Host a party after school
- This could include a movie
- Potluck
- Activities/ fun games to play
- Do a dress up day at your school
- Do a RED out to show the strength of FCCLA