What did your FCCLA projects do to impact your school or community this year?
Some members have even done training for teaching staff-their TEACHERS!
As we progress through the year, we are starting to hear about your awesome projects through STAR Events (Students Taking Action with Recognition)….
Every day, there are 160,000 students who don’t attend school because they are afraid of being bullied. Because these statistics continue to grow, Minnesota legislature decided to reform the law and definition of bullying. As of July 1, 2014, a new state law was enacted; requiring schools to develop a plan of action to promote a safe environment for all students. This new law provided educators, students, and parents with tools and resources needed to prevent and intervene in bullying situations.
There are many ways to train teachers at your school! For example, the way I trained the teachers at my school is through a Rachel’s Challenge assembly! I introduced a kindness campaign. We spoke about Rachel’s story and her challenges to others. At the end of the assembly, we played a chain reaction game with the staff. This game is where the teachers formed two lines, stood shoulder to shoulder, and held hands. I started the game by squeezing the first person’s hand and they would squeeze the next person’s hand. This went through the lines and whichever team’s last person squeezed the leader’s hand first, wins the game! This activity was a perfect simulation of how fast a chain reaction can start and impact a multitude of people’s lives. This assembly inspired the teachers at Goodhue to start and implement a kindness campaign of our own! I challenge YOU to initiate a kindness campaign at your school and become a part of making a positive impact on many people’s lives!
Written by
Tiffanie Anderson-grade 12
MN FCCLA State Officer- Representative to Board of Directors