What do 1200 delegates, 1164 competition participants and hundreds of volunteers look like?
We are living out our mission for youth development work. We are preparing youth for careers, workforce skills and future community and family life. We are using the exemplary leadership traits to guide us to become better at encouraging the heart, inspiring a shared vision, We are using resources to create a future of civically engaged youth, giving back to community and school. Youth leaders-plugging in to create positive school climates and learning how to be good human beings.
“My heart will forever be with FCCLA.”
“The last three days were filled with speaking on stage, listening to dynamic speakers, conducting trainings, interviewing new leaders for the organization, and seeing many great STAR Events. “
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney.
“I will never forget all the amazing people I have met!“
“Thank you to everyone who has inspired me to do great things!“
The highlights are many!
A Successful Don’t Drive Distracted Summit- inspiring teens to not tolerate texting and driving in themselves or others. Channel 5 and Channel 11 TV coverage.
Speakers who “Wowed” us: Sam Glenn, Evelyn Vonn Banks, J D Lewis, Sontiana Brandts, Reggie Shaw, Jennifer Hildreth, and many more.
Our State Officer team– working together to bring a dynamic conference and learning that teams work has no “I”.
National Officer Olivia Wicklund reminding us to be kind, compassionate and follow the words of Rachel Joy Scott.
Presentations of awesome STAR Events in categories that show skills in career areas, speaking, presenting, planning, project- based learning and working on “showing what they know”. Also learning how to be better at some of these skills.
Peer Educators, Region Officers and JHC teams who came to present their speeches and develop new skills in speaking and leading.
Many 21st century skills were evident.
Global Awareness-J D Lewis and star events about Global issues, Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy-STAR Events on Entreprenuership, Civic Literacy– GYSDAY activity, Health Literacy –Student Body Program, Learning and Innovation Skills- Innovative STAR Events -students who are prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments in today’s world. They include:
• Creativity and Innovation
• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
• Communication and Collaboration
STAR EVENTS (Students Taking Action with Recognition) filled with Information, Media and Technology Skills. Effective citizens and workers must be able to exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills.
FCCLA develops Life and Career Skills. The ability to navigate the complex life and work environments in the globally competitive information age requires students to pay rigorous attention to developing adequate life and career skills, such as:
• Flexibility and Adaptability
• Initiative and Self-Direction
• Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
• Productivity and Accountability
• Leadership and Responsibility
Congratulations on a fine year and be inspired to become better still!