MN Delegates headed South to Texas!
National Conference 2014 is history.
San Antonio was a location for the National FCCLA Conference with lots of culture, good food, sights to see and a new experience in Texas and Mexican cultures.
Minnesota delegates cheered for National Officer Olivia Wicklund and enjoyed the exemplary leadership of the 2014-2015 National Executive Council.
Minnesota STAR Event participants scored 58 Gold medals, 58- Silver Medals and 20 Bronze medals in competition with over 4200 other STAR Event participants.
MN provided many volunteers and delegates learned about new program initiatives for 2014-2015.
Watch for FCCLA @the Table- a new emphasis on family meals.
Get ready for the 70th Anniversary. FCCLA was founded in 1945.
Look forward to Cluster Meetings in New Jersey, Little Rock Arkansas and Salt Lake City Utah in November.
The 2015 National Conference will be in Washington DC next July.
Good job Minnesota FCCLA delegates. You brought your best to Texas!!