November Summit includes program agenda areas on the national FCCLA programs.
The November Summi conference theme is “Together We Are….. (FCCLA) and will include training for youth leaders on STOP the Violence and Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety (FACTS) and also some of the new Competitive Events and Skill Events. Leadership in FCCLA has many avenues. One opportunity is to dive deep into a specific national program. State Officers do this with their leadership for the other state FCCLA members.
Marissa Kunerth has dug into the Families Active For Community Traffic Safety (FACTS) program. She will be leading a November summit session for Preventing Distracted driving.
Tiffanie Anderson has given her leadership in the Stop the Violence national program. As a part of the November Summit. Youth Frontiers will be presenting a 3 hour retreat during the November Summit for building positive schools and communities.
As part of the November Summit, all State Officers will be representing their workshops about the state or national program that they have responsibility for.
In September Marissa Kunerth, went to training in Washington, D.C. as Minnesota’s Youth Service America (YSA) Ambassador. There, our four days were spent meeting with YSA’s CEO, and other YSA employees and talked with the Festival of Children Foundation founder and sharing our service learning projects. Marissa participated in Capitol Hill and service outreach training, and heard from various other non-profit founders about how they continue to promote service-learning and community service on a national and international level. One of the highlights of this experience was meeting with Minnesota’s Senator, Al Franken to have “Breakfast with Al” to discuss the dangers of distractive driving—the focus of my service learning project—while receiving his input on this national concern that is the number one killer of youth today. After attending YSA’s training Marissa received a grant for Minnesota’s FCCLA upcoming conferences to educate FCCLA members about the dangers of distractive driving.