MN FCCLA State Exec Council uses creative and critical thinking skills to work together as a team. The team is lively and fun. With 3 days of training behind them, they are excited to start their leadership year.
Fun at June Exec!
What do you call that time when state officers come together in June for an AMAZING time? Oh, that’s right! June Exec!!! From June 22-24, your Minnesota FCCLA State Executive Council met to brainstorm and plan events and activities for the year!
Upon arrival, your state officers got to know a little bit more about each other, reviewed our roles as state leaders, and reviewed data from the 2015 State Conference. One highlights of day one was creating the 2015-2016 state theme. Although I won’t say it, I will tell you this… Be prepared to search for new leadership skills with FCCLA!
As the final days roll by quickly, your State Executive Council members were ready to take it on with leadership training activities, changes to competitive events, and our roles at the National Leadership Conference in Washington, DC, as we celebration the 70th anniversary of FCCLA!
With plans for the NLC made and everything all set for July camp, your 12 state officers are ready for the FCCLA year to begin and can’t wait to meet all of you in the months ahead! And wait for the official announcement of the state theme at camp!
Written by
Jacob Just-State President-Elect
What do State Officers need to know to do their State FCCLA leadership role?
National FCCLA Programs- Stop the Violence, Financial Fitness, Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety, Student Body, Power of One, Leadership Service in Action, STAR Events and Career Connections.
Thinking and learning styles– Did you know that your brain and those around you may process information differently? The state officers learned that Concrete thinkers may want information in a sequence and creative thinkers may want to be random in their thoughts.
Communication preferences for print communication, oral communication and social media communication affects how a group interacts.
Role playing and presenting information in interesting activities is the Specialty of FCCLA youth and advisers. We laugh, we learn and we remember when it is fun.
Strategic Learning- The officers had strategic learning assignments to develop a handout on various topics. Some of these topics were: Career Clusters and Career Pathways, Professional Family and Consumer Sciences Organizations, New changes in STAR Events (Students Taking Action with Recognition), What is “service-learning?” and the new national FCCLA outreach program.
As we prepare for the National FCCLA Conference in Washington DC, the State Exec Council is ready to lead into the new school year with great energy and enthusiasm.