FCCLA Week-Significant reminder of what America needs for youth!
What values has the organization held dearly for 68 years? The mission of FCCLA has seen a few changes over the years, but the core values of the organization have held steady for many years. FCCLA is significant for supporting young people in a time of their lives where character is being formed. It is an important role FCCLA has played for thousands of young people. As youth ask universal questions for all time; ”Who am I?” “What should I do in my future?” “How do I relate to my friends, my community and to the world?”
Written in hashtag language, we would be these thoughts. #personal development, #family, #democracy, #global cooperation, #youth and adults, #decision making, #roles of men and women, #FACS education.
Through the years, FCCLA has provided youth with many positive aspects as their develop character, engage in critical and creative thinking, develop communications with youth and adults, learn practical knowledge and explore careers.
In good youth development philosophy,
In good youth development philosophy, youth develop well when they are supported (positive climate, with caring adults), feel empowered (can give service to others, feel valued) ; have boundaries (positive peers, supportive adults, high expectations); have constructive use of time (projects, activities, youth programs); and commitment to learning (projects, STAR Events); have positive values (caring, responsibility, integrity); and social competencies (planning, resistance skills, conflict resolution) and have a positive identity (sense of purpose, positive view of the future).
Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets for Adolescents is a great resource for identifying this building blocks of healthy development.
FCCLA does a great job of much of the above. Great work FCCLA Advisers for providing these opportunities. During FCCLA Week, please thank an FCCLA adviser for doing what America needs for this generation of young people!