We are facing the future with data-informed leadership.
The Board of Directors met recently and discussed future calendars, strategic planning and making decisions based on data. What programs work? What is successful? What changes are needed? These are often the discussions with the Board of Directors. What has our data told us?
MN FCCLA events have been successful.
- 82% say that the best part of FCCLA is State Conference.
- 80% of 11th graders believe that STAR Events are the best part of being an FCCLA member.
- 50% of the advisers surveyed in November want to have events on school days and 50% want to have events on weekend days.
FCCLA works! FCCLA helps students develop foundational skills needed for successful employment.
- 96% of eighth grade males feel more confident in achieving. 90% of eighth grade males feel more confident in achieving.
- 88% of students increase their confidence.
- Nearly 3/4 of students learned how to better meet deadlines and expectations.
- 82% of students have learned how to set priorities.
- 77% of the 6-12th grade students surveyed stated that their involvement in FCCLA strengthened their career related soft skills.
FCCLA members do not drop out of high school.
- Through involvement in FCCLA, 6-12 graders are more engaged and have significantly lower high school drop out rate than MN students.
The number of FACS classes rank higher than national averages for grades 8-9.
- The number of MN FACS classes offered are higher than the national average for grades 8 and 9 but less FACS classes are available for grades 11-12.
MN FCCLA in instrumental for Minnesota students to gain career skills.
- Career skills developed in MN FCCLA rank higher that the national averages in 12 of 14 categories:
- Learning computer skills
- Impacting my school and community in a positive manner.
- Handling conflicts with others
- Taking the lead when needed
- Solving personal problems
- Managing my time
- Building strong relationships with others
- Being a team player
- Working successfully with others.
Sources: “My Career Options” Minnesota 2014 Report, National Research Center for College and University Admissions. 2014 national survey.
MN FCCLA Survey of 807 members, April 2014.