Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) teachers- in demand! FACS education= a very wide open career field!
FACS education is a very transferable career area with the skills, knowledge for many careers in managing personal life and family, a wide variety of content areas and the ability to be creative, use critical thinking and skills for life. According to one Minnesota college program, there are 64 FACS positions open currently in Minnesota and only about 4 FACS graduates this year.
A recent all day Summit at AAFCS American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Education focused on the shortage of FACS teachers in the nation. Teachers, State FACS supervisors, FCCLA Directors, College Professors, Extension service professionals and National Professional organizations all gathered in Jacksonville, Florida for the “Summit for Filling the FACS Pipeline” with more FACS teachers.
SAY “Yes to FACS” is a campaign to peek the interest of secondary students to choose FACS teaching as a career or post secondary students to switch their majors and start a career in a field that is interesting and seeking potential hires.
Some of the strategies include
- Conducting research on the number of schools seeking a FACS teacher.
- More marketing for FACS education as a career choice to high school and middle school students
- Career spotlight for high school counselors.
- Increased publicity of the variety of FACS related careers which include: early childhood, interior design, social work, human services, culinary, dietetics, FCCLA Adviser, FACs classroom teacher.
MN FCCLA members can study about being a FACS teacher with the Teach and Train STAR Event, Do an Advocacy STAR Event to do a campaign about FACS education, or learn more in Career Connections National FCCLA program.
Download this video about becoming a FACS teacher:
FACS education= a very wide open career field! Want a job when you graduate? Try FACS education!