Jerrid Sebesta
What do FCCLA and Jerrid Sebesta have in common?
- A family focus
- Career success through hard work and setting goals
- Financial Fitness
When you think about your future- will you have debt to pay for the things you buy? Will you have to work because you need to pay for your credit card bills? Will you have freedom to move? The ability to have financial freedom when you make decisions?
Financial Fitness National FCCLA program teaches members to learn Cash Control, Consumer Clout and applying financial skills to financing your future. Jarrid will bring a message of how Not to get tied into debt, and to live your dream!
Why did he leave KARE 11? A popular meteorologist at KARE 11, he left that job when his contract was up. He said “family and lifestyle” were the main reasons behind his departure and while he enjoyed his time at the station, his work schedule, which included weekends, nights and holidays, kept him from many family events. He said it was “apparent” that a change was needed. “I looked back at my four years at KARE 11 and realized I could count on two hands how many family events I’d been to,” he wrote. “Sadly, the list was endless of the amount I missed.” He will contribute weather updates for BringMeTheNews’ radio network and website. Since selling their house in Maple Grove, Sebesta and his family have been living with his in-laws in southern Minnesota. Along with his work at KARE, Sebesta is known for starting the Twitter hashtag #BlameJerrid, which he encourages his more than 14,000 followers to use in blaming him for all their weather woes and whatever else they want to pin on Sebesta.
Financial Fitness National FCCLA program teaches members to learn Cash Control, Consumer Clout and applying financial skills to financing your future. Jarid will bring a message of how Not to get tied into debt, and to live the dream!
Jarrid will challenge you:
What do you want?“What’s your vision? What do you want for your life? What do you want for your business? What do you want for your job?”Once you know what you want, do you have the power to live it? In your current situation with your job, your career, your business, are you getting closer or farther from your dream?