You can help support MN FCCLA members attending national conference.
Help the Leadership Legacy continue!
As we head into the 70th year of FCCLA, we want you to be able to support members with a scholarship toward their National Conference participation.
We will be celebrating the 70th year starting in 2015 with the national Conference in Washington DC.
The scholarships from these donations will be given to National STAR Event participants in a drawing.
Help support students to go to national with $ a number of scholarships to help them with meal costs.
We hope to have many Legacy scholarship winners. $50 per student for a significant number of MN FCCLA members. As of February 19 we have 4 scholarships to award in the drawing.
Usually about 170 or more persons attend a National Conference from MN. So help us grow the number of scholarships we can award.
See the Legacy letter and scholarship donation papers on the website.