A record number members applied to be a part of Shadow Day at the state capitol. Members were matched with legislators to learn about the “day in the life” of a person in a public policy career.
On Feb 1, members meet legislators and observe state government in action with committee hearings, talking with policy makers and observing the work of careers in state government. The refurbished state capitol makes the day an exciting one.
Over 35 student applied for this experience.
They shadow a legislator for a portion of the day. The students also meet with Career and Technical staff at the Department of Education prior to going to the state capitol. MN FCCLA encourages students to learn about careers through this event. The opportunity to speak about their projects and advocate for their opportunities in a career and technical education student organization are valuable life-long skills.
Minnesota FCCLA is a dynamic and effective student organization that helps young men and young women to become leaders and address important personal, family work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education.