You do not get 100% of awards you do not apply for!
Just do it! Go for it!
These are marketing slogans of companies who encourage you to take a chance and make something happen! Funny how it works… You apply- you might win You do not apply and you FOR SURE will not win.
Has your chapter done an awesome project or want a chance to be recognized in front of thousands of people?Your chapter should fill out the National Award applications found on the National FCCLA website. By filling out the national programs award applications, your chapter inspires others all across the United States to get involved.
How cool is that! Just think, if your chapter does a quality job at filling the application, you may have a chance to win money for your school. Chapters enjoy looking at others to get ideas on how they can get their students excited about FCCLA. There are many National Programs you can apply for. They are:
Participating in National Awards opens many doors for your chapter. Hurry! The National Programs applications are due March 1, 2014. Talk to your advisor and log on to the National FCCLA Website and submit your applications Good Luck!!!
See TIps for Writng a Good Application
Written by State Officer- Rick Osborne