An alumni member recently said; “Learning the STAR Events process helped me succeed In college!”
What can you learn by doing a STAR Event? Learning to set goals, develop a project, working with a team, writing, speaking and organizing your thoughts are so important to your future! Teachers who advise FCCLA have a magic tool to use! It is STAR Events! (Students Taking Action with Recognition)
Learners are motivated by recognition.
Members can work individually or in teams.
FCCLA members have a variety of events to choose from (over 50 of them!).
Like to write?- There is an event for you! (Try Event 3 Laws of Life essays)
.Like to do math? There are events for you! (Try Event 1 Everyday Equations or Event 30 Life Event planning)
Serious about a career interest in business ? (Try Event 24 Entrepreneurship)
Would you like to become a chef? Try Event 42 Culinary Arts, or Skill Events Culinary Knife Skills or Culinary Food Art.
STAR Events present teachers with a tools for student learning in reflection, planning, teamwork, applied academics, “metacognition”, speaking and oral presentations, community public relations opportunities and using alumni or parents to help preview the events.
Members may compete scoring their results on a rubric evaluation with a team of “judges” who give feedback and encourage them onto the next level. Local, region, state and national participation awaits!
It’s a magic process!
Check out the State and National Rulebooks. See Competitive Event page of this website