Martin Luther King Jr Day is a time to reflect on service toward others.
What can you do to serve? He said; “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve”…
MN FCCLA encourages service and leadership for students with several initiatives. We start the season from MLK Day to April 11-13 GYSDAY with mini grants, plans for the State FCCLA conference and encouraging members and officers to do a GYSDAY service project!
Some reflecting on what “service is” in everyday life.
Do you wake up thinking about OTHERS? Do you look for opportunities to hold open someone’s door? Do you see when someone needs to have a hand carrying a box, lifting something or step in to say “I can help, what do you want me to do?”,Easy service gesture to do: Carry someone’s heavy item or open the door
Do you write an encouraging note or thank you? Easy service thing to do: Encourage the heart with a random note of thanks!
Do you see what the non-profit organization near you needs or offer them some of your resources? Easy service gesture to do: Give a non profit organization and gift of money, time or resources.
Do you live generously or stingily? Easy service habit to do: Give generously.
Martin Luther King Jr. thought about many issues including equality, service and eliminating poverty.Some of his quotes are around the new MLK Monuments in Washington DC. Th
ey get you to think about peace and war, conflict and quality and also service.
MN FCCLA has been a Lead State Agency for Global Youth Service day for many years. We have learned, developed new skills (grant writing, cultural competence, service project planning and development) through our partnerships with Youth Service America and Delta Dental Serve A Smile mini grants.
The Delta Dental Mini grant is Due Jan 24. We encourage all candidates by making it a part of their process to do this mini grant or a campaign for GYSDAY.
So Kick Off your service efforts with Martin Luther King Jr Day.