The COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted everyone’s lives in one way or another. I normally live a very busy life, balancing multiple extracurriculars at once while staying on top of my school work. Because of COVID-19, many of these extracurriculars have been canceled or postponed and schools are closed. This is a major change and I am now faced with the challenge of finding a new normal. Finding a new normal is an easy thing to say, but is a whole different story when you’re forced to do it. To find your new normal, you have to find what makes you happy and learn how to try new things. Find a new Netflix show to watch, read a book, or try a craft. Utilize this time to get a better understanding of who you are and what makes you happy without school or any other settings influencing you. This is a great time for self-care as well. Try meditation, listening to uplifting podcasts, or even yoga!
An individual doesn’t necessarily have to try all new things either. Focus on things you have done in the past that make you happy. Make a list of things you absolutely loved to do that you can do again at home! Rewatch that series you loved, play with your pet, make a meal with your family, etc. You can even give your car a deep clean. Remember that you are not alone during this. You are still surrounded by your family and friends! FaceTime your friends and spend time with your family. You can play board games, play cards, or even exercise together. After finding what you like to do, it may be beneficial to create a new schedule as well. Set aside certain times in the day to exercise and stick to a specific eating schedule. Having structure throughout the day may make it easier to adapt and find a new normal. Don’t see this time as a setback; use this time as an opportunity and take advantage of it!