5 New Year’s Resolutions for Teens.
FCCLA can help you with these resolutions through Student Body, Families First, STOP the Violence, Leadership Service in Action, STAR Events and through teamwork at the chapter or officer levels.
1. Volunteer
Ideas: Food bank, animal shelter, nursing home, recycling drives, political campaign, day care center.
You will learn, meet new people and do “good”.
2. Get Healthy
Ideas: Eat well, do something active each day, snack smartly, get a good night’s sleep, don’t drive distracted, increase your reflection time and spiritual faith.
Focus on you!
3. Make a new friend and be a better friend
Ideas: Expand who you hang out with, include new people in your daily routine, befriend a younger person, and smile more.
A friendly person will draw people to be near them by their “positive vibes”.
4. Show love to your family
Ideas: Be kind to siblings, learn about your grandparents, start an extended family newsletter, offer to do more chores, speak respectfully to parents, do random acts of kindness.
The central focus of FCCLA is the family.
5. Choose to be positive
Ideas: avoid gossip, rumors, violence, unhealthy substances,
Be smart about your personal life, focus on your strengths.
Choose appropriate role models.
FCCLA can help you with these resolutions through Student Body, Families First, STOP the Violence, Leadership Service in Action, STAR Events and through teamwork at the chapter or officer levels.