FCCLA project making an impact on Minnesota school
communities helping to prevent bullying and is changing lives.
We introduced FCCLA officers to Rachel’s Challenge in November at the November Summit. This partnership coordinates with the National FCCLA Program STOP the Violence.
Rachel’s Challenge started following the Columbine, Colorado High School shootings and is the challenge based on the journal writings of Rachel Scott. She challenged the people in her high school and life to be kind and compassionate.
Download -Olivia’s Chain reaction letter
Download State Conference- Rachels Challenge 2013
The mission of Rachel’s Challenge is to start a chain reaction of kindness, and compassion that will ripple around the world. Rachel’s Challenge is a philosophy of life that is expressed through a system of presentations, trainings, and curriculum that ensure sustainability. It is based on the life and writings of Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine High School shootings in 1999. Rachel’s Challenge provides an emotional, strategic impact that has been effective in defusing bullying, depression, and prejudice, while giving hope where there is isolation and despair
Sandy Scott, Olivia Wicklund, Wendy Ambrose and Darrell Scott meet in Dallas during the Rachel’s Challenge Educators conference in June 2012.
FCCLA and Rachel’s Challenge are making an impact!
Following the conference in November, Rilee Burnside, Region Officer from Region 6 said. ”November Summit changed my life. I will never forget that opportunity. All of the students that came from my school were so moved by Rachel’s Challenge, that on Monday of the next week we immediately wanted to bring a Rachel’s Challenge speaker and program to our school. We partnered with the National Honor Society and had a Rachel’s Challenge program on February 13. The FCCLA Officers (Emma and Rilee) also went to the middle school with the speaker. The stories that the kids told us at the Friends of Rachel meeting wee amazing and very touching. Some students said they had done things that wouldn’t make their parents proud and they felt really bad. You never know when it could be the last moment that you will see someone. You don’t want to leave them with regret. Other students talked about how their parents hadn’t always been there for them throughout their lives. They have taken the challenge to get back in touch with them and forgive them for the things that they have done in their lives. We are ready to start a chain reaction!”
See more information about State Conference plans to create a chain reaction of kindness and inspiration and hear from Craig Scott, Rachel’s brother at the conference.